It has been said that Ben Franklin stated at the signing of the Declaration of Independence...
"We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Through the observations and research of one Julian Edney, he stated in his essay GREED...
"We exist in a kind of void, in which individualism flourishes, and narcissism, ego, materialism, the pursuit of self, wealth, status and greed - but nothing that moves the masses together."
Considering the above factors, we can now look at the problems that are faced with the "truth" community.
Check out the particulars below by clicking on the noted subjects in the menu... Keep in mind The Truth hurts:
Too Many Ideas, Too Little Time
Republicans, Democrats, and all other parties, oh my! Political parties: Interesting concept. Also, we cannot forget the numerous people that have thousands of websites having a lot of crossover material. Talk about redundancy and division. All-in-all, just a lot of people feeling self-importance at the cost of us all. Thanks a lot! more on this...
You Cannot Fix what was Meant to be Broken
The United States won the so-called "Civil War". The program since then was calculated by the victors. One such calculation was to pull people into control of Congress and subject them to private law. Simply put, you cannot fix what was meant to be broken. Those who fail to understand this should put on a dunce cap and go sit in the corner. more on this...
The "Cake and Eat it Too" Crowd
To the socialist mind, it matters not that the system is destined to fail. The socialist will keep contracting with government and those who expect the free ride will keep taking until there is nothing left. There is little or no cause to do the right thing in the eyes of these people. It is all about "me" with them and they will take until there is nothing left to take. more on this...
Greed, a Factor of Division
The problem of greed has many faces. One problem, profiteers selling freedom-wares to those inside of the box to make them believe they are outside the box. Also, there are those who want to be the head leader of their own group for whatever reasons. It can be found that most of these types are not willing to work with others as profits would dwindle or the matter of self-importance would be diminished. Greed, a serious disease that keeps us under oppression. more on this...
The Summary
The simple fact is, the governmental system in its current state is illegitimate. The only way to fix the problem is abstain from politics which negagates the private law. If you participate in this system or gain benefit from it, you are part of the problem. Simply, try working with others... There are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. more on this...
"I admire PACs readiness to inform and assist souls out of the New World." ~Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil
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You were just going about your day on a boat in the quest for the truth for what you perceive to be a short tour. You find the weather to be beautiful... Business is going as usual, however someone else is watching the helm, and through a series of events find yourself in a situation that is just not quite what you had prepared yourself for...
Welcome to "The Islands", each one was created to represent where you wanted to go and be, but in reality is nothing of the sort. That realization is where we all were at one time or another. This project is to explore the vast amount of patriot rabbit trails, dis/misinformation, and alleged remedies in the sea of deception that could cause us all to sink.
Tired of the confusion? Visit PAC's Island Makers Project at :
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